Bizcrunch Search

Bizcrunch Search

Discover your next M&A deal

Discover your next
M&A deal

Find potential companies, vital metrics and key contacts with our advanced financial analysis and outreach tool

Find potential companies, vital metrics and key contacts with our
advanced financial analysis and outreach tool

Screenshot of Bizcrunch search results display a list of companies along with various details such as industry, revenue, net profit, debt ratio, PSC shareholders, and contact data.
Screenshot of Bizcrunch search results display a list of companies along with various details such as industry, revenue, net profit, debt ratio, PSC shareholders, and contact data.

How it works?

Choose a location

Select Industry

Set Revenue Range

Apply Smart Filters

Search and Export

Enter a location or postcode and search for businesses

Location Search Interface of Bizcrunch App

How it works?

Choose a location

Select Industry

Set Revenue Range

Apply Smart Filters

Search and Export

Enter a location or postcode and search for businesses

Location Search Interface of Bizcrunch App

How it works?

Enter a location or postcode and search for businesses

Location Search Interface of Bizcrunch App

Choose a location

Select Industry

Set Revenue Range

Apply Smart Filters

Search and Export

Identify targets with our disovery tools

Find your next deals with ease.

Smart Acquire Filters

Smart Acquire Filters

The smart way to discover target companies! Smart acquire filters cluster together important data points to help you find the right businesses, faster.

Direct Owner Emails

Direct Owner Emails

Connect with the right person, every time. Our powerful filters allow you to identify the majority shareholder(s) or 'PSCs' and email them directly. No more catch-all emails or spam folders.

Revenue Estimation

Revenue Estimation

Looking to acquire companies turning over < £10m a year? Our intelligent revenue estimator gives you insight into company revenue, even where it isn’t available on Companies House.

Advanced Insights

Advanced Insights

Advanced insights allow you to filter using deep data such as ownership structures and debt ratios, in an instant. Truly understand your prospect's company, even before outreach.

Advanced Filters Dropdown
Advanced Filters Dropdown

Your M&A Advantage Starts Here

Be empowered by the insights that matter – from ownership structures to vital financial metrics. Dive into data, engage directly with key contacts and elevate your dealflow to unprecedented levels.

What Bizcrunch partners say..

"Partnering with Bizcrunch has helped our members to speed-up their searches for target companies."

Jeremy Harbour

Founder, Harbour Club

Two men engaged in a conversation at a Harbour Club event, wearing name tags and holding drinks.
Two men engaging in conversation at a Harbour Club event, one smiling and gesturing with his hand.
A man presents to an audience at a Harbour Club event, pointing to a slide with text behind him.

What Bizcrunch partners say..

"Partnering with Bizcrunch has helped our members to speed-up their searches for target companies."

Jeremy Harbour

Founder, Harbour Club

What Bizcrunch partners say..

"Partnering with Bizcrunch has helped our members to speed-up their searches for target companies."

Jeremy Harbour

Founder, Harbour Club

Your M&A Advantage
Starts Here

Be empowered by the insights that matter – from ownership structures to vital financial metrics. Dive into data, engage directly with key contacts and elevate your dealflow to unprecedented levels.

Dotted map of the globe